Current Opportunities
Suggest a Session Topic for an NSCP Event
Take a few short minutes to submit session topics for consideration by the Conference Committee for upcoming virtual and in-person events. Minimum effort - Maximum effect!
Update and Maintain the Resource Library
Help us update and maintain our Member Center’s Resource Library and assess the value of our materials to our membership.
Recommend an Author for NSCP Currents
Take a few short minutes to recommend an author for NSCP Currents. Minimum effort - Maximum effect!
Suggest an Article Topic for NSCP Currents
Take a few short minutes to suggest an article topic for NSCP Currents. Minimum effort - Maximum effect!
Promote NSCP on LinkedIn
Promote NSCP with one click of the mouse, by sharing an NSCP LinkedIn post. Minimum effort - Maximum effect!
Recommend a Speaker
Take a few short minutes to recommend a speaker for an NSCP event. Minimum effort - Maximum effect!
Questions? Email or Call 860-672-0843