The Certified Investment Company Compliance Professional (CICCP) is a graduate-level program for experienced investment company compliance professionals, offered through the University of St. Thomas in collaboration with the National Society of Compliance Professionals (NSCP). Upon successful completion of the academic course and the CICCP certification exam, candidates will be granted the CICCP designation offered by NSCP.
Apply now for Spring 2025: The course will run January 21 – May 4, 2025
The certification obtained at the completion of the final exam distinguishes individuals with intermediate to advanced proficiency and a commitment to advancing securities compliance practices. The focus of the course will be on Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulated investment companies.
CICCP Program Highlights:
14-week course delivered online
Instructor a leading financial services industry professional
CICCP examination offered for investment company compliance professionals
Discounted NSCP membership (NSCP Membership for CICCP Students: $150 for 1 year)
Three graduate-level academic credits are awarded by the University of St. Thomas with successful completion of the course, which can be applied to the online MSL degree program in Organizational Ethics & Compliance
Cost: $3,000.00 (includes the CSCP certification exam fee)
Apply now for Spring 2025: The course will run January 21 – May 4, 2025
Areas Of Compliance Covered:
Introduction to the Mutual Fund Industry
The Role of the Board and Service Providers
Compliance Programs for Investment Companies, Rule 38a-1 and Code of Ethics Rule 17j-1
Organizing a Mutual Fund, Offering Documents, and Regulatory Filings.
Investment Company Act Section 15 – the Advisory Contract, Investment Management Agreements, and 15(c) Questionnaires
Investment Practices and Limitations, Transactions with Affiliates, Brokerage Practices, Diversification Rules, and Quarterly Certifications.
Fund Valuation & Portfolio Pricing
Shareholder Voting, Proxy Voting, and ESG Investing
Marketing and Distribution of Fund Shares
Business Continuity (DRP and Pandemic), Privacy – Reg S-P and Red Flag, Cybersecurity, and Anti-Money Laundering
The Annual Compliance Program Testing Program and Report
Reporting to the Mutual Fund Board
How to handle an SEC Mutual Fund Exam
CICCP Program Registration Qualifications:
Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college/university required
CICCP Course Information / University of St. Thomas (UST)
You should plan for about 8-12 hours of work between listening to video, reading the material and participating in the tasks. Some modules are larger than other modules based on the topics for that week.
This course is entirely online and is self-paced. Each module is released a week before it is scheduled to be completed so that you can work ahead if you know that you have a busy week coming up. There is usually one scheduled Zoom to answer questions in order to prep for the Final Exam but attendance is optional.
The CICCP course is considered “passed” when a student receives a 70% or better on the final exam.
You must apply for this course just like another other course. Yes, transcripts are required.
For more information, please contact:
Suzan McGinnis
Director, Organizational Ethics & Compliance Programs
University of St. Thomas
NSCP Membership / Recertification-Continuing Education / Fees
Although NSCP membership is not required, we encourage new graduates to take advantage of our student membership rate of $150 (discounted from the standard $500) for the first year after graduation.
NSCP membership offers a wide range of compliance resources, continuing education, and regulatory advocacy. NSCP provides members with essential information on compliance topics, regulatory insights, and useful tools, including its premier compliance publication, online and in-person events, interactive online forums and working groups, and comprehensive resource library. NSCP members have access to a diverse community of compliance professionals who willingly share their knowledge and expertise.
Please contact Ingrid Nordskog at ingrid@nscp.org if you would like additional information about student membership.
NSCP does not have a recertification program in place at this time and does not require designees to track or report continuing education credits.
NSCP will communicate any updates or changes to all CICCP designees as appropriate.
There are no fees associated with maintaining your CICCP designation at this time.
NSCP will communicate any updates or changes to all CICCP designees as appropriate.
You may start using the designation in your signatures immediately if you wish.
Below is an example of the correct usage.
Jane Doe, CICCP®
Compliance Analyst, ABC Company
If you have additional questions about NSCP membership, recertification, or fees, please email:
NSCP – Certifications
About NSCP
The National Society of Compliance Professionals is a nonprofit, membership organization dedicated to serving and supporting the compliance professional in the financial services industry.
NSCP is for compliance, by compliance. NSCP membership provides the financial services professional from the U.S. and Canada with a wide range of resources including a vast network of compliance peers, continuing education to further their knowledge and specialized skills, and regulatory involvement through representation of compliance interests.