Safeguarding Your Mental Health: Recognizing Burn-Out in Yourself and Others (Part 1 of a series)
Thursday, July 21 at 3:00pm ET
Join us for a conversation about the importance of recognizing and managing burn-out in yourself and others. In this multi-part series, we will discuss how professional and personal challenges, as well as societal events, can affect your mental equilibrium and what you can do to get back in balance.
Free to all! (including non-members)
Debra Sabatini Hennelly, Founder & President, Resiliti, LLC will discuss:
How recent demands and challenges in the financial services industry have affected us both professionally and personally.
How unrealistic expectations we place on ourselves and those placed by others can lead to shut-down, avoidance of tasks, and eventual burn-out.
What is burn-out? How do we identify it?
Equilibrium, what does it really mean and how do we achieve it?
How changing the paradigms that support unhealthy work environments are essential for positive mental health in the workplace.