Authors Wanted for NSCP Currents

Description: NSCP Currents features in-depth articles tackling issues important to Broker Dealers, Investment Advisers, Investment Companies, Municipal Advisors, Private Funds, and Hedge Funds in the United States. NSCP Currents is read by over 2,000 members who can benefit from your guidance and expertise.

Positioned as the premier compliance publication of the financial services industry, NSCP Currents articles offer best practices; real-world interpretations of securities regulations and their impact on compliance; practical advice on compliance initiatives; tools and other resources to assist compliance professionals; and articles of a general nature applicable to all members regardless of their business.

We invite you to share your experiences, advice, and tried and tested strategies. If you would like to write for NSCP Currents, please click the button below to review our Guidelines and to submit an article.

Time Commitment: 3 - 5 hours


Conference Committee - Committee Member


Publications Committee - Committee Member