Electronic Publishing Services, Inc.
The Electronic Publishing Services (EPS) staff have many years of experience in the Financial and Technical Publishing Services industry. Our specialty is SEC compliance, specifically EDGAR-related filings. Co-founders Jim (CEO) and Janice (President) Plumb, have been involved with SEC compliance since the 1990s.
We have several online workstations for self-service filing of forms 13F, N-PX, Schedule 13D/G, Regulation D (Form D) and Section 16 forms 3, 4 & 5. We also provide other ancillary services, such as a quarterly, searchable Official List of 13F Securities which enables SEC compliance professionals to file 13F filings and other forms on their own. The workstations are as follows:
Website: www.form13f.com
Website: www.formnpx.com
Website: www.schedule13d.com
Website: www.form345filing.com
We are located in the Boston MetroWest area and serve clients in the United States, Canada and throughout the world.
Phone: 508-544-1254
Email: service@epubsinc.com
Website: www.edgarfilingagent.com