Speaker Training Videos
Part 1 - Introduction to becoming a NSCP speaker
Hear NSCP’s veteran speakers share:
What drew them to speaking at NSCP conferences
Their favorite part of speaking at conferences
How speaking has impacted their careers and professional skills
Their best advice for those interested in speaking for NSCP
Hope Brown, Michelle Canela, Ken Cherrier, Jerry Danielson, Pam Ziermann
Watch video and then answer these self-application questions:
1. Why do you want to become an NSCP speaker?
2. What are you hoping to gain from this training?
3. Which skill areas do you feel most and least competent?
Speaking in front of an audience
Keeping audience members interested and actively engaged
Preparing presentation materials
Working with co-panelists
Short Version – Time: 5:31
Long Version – Time: 14:21
Part 2 – Preparation, Coordination and Communication Best Practices
NSCP speakers share their tips and best practices for:
Video #1 - Planning and compiling a presentation:
Relevant content for intended audience/learning objectives
Outline and PowerPoint
Supplemental Materials
Practical take-aways for attendees
Speaking notes
Linda Shirkey, Craig Watanabe
Note: Clicking button above will download a ZIP file to your computer with multiple files.
Time: 56:02
Video #2 – Coordinating with co-panelists
Determining each speaker’s areas of expertise and experience
Style: conversational vs. dividing sub-topics
Setting up deadlines
Touch-base calls
Balancing speaking time
Time management and meeting deadlines
Practice/Dry Run Sessions
Jennifer Selliers, Krista Zipfel
Time: 20:14
Watch videos and then answer these self-application questions:
Which tips or comments were most helpful for you?
Which parts of the planning process do you think will be most challenging for you?
Preparing session content
Preparing presentation materials (PPT and supplemental materials)
Coordinating with co-panelists
Pre-session jitters
Providing practical take-aways for attendees
Time management and meeting deadlines
Part 3 – Engaging The Audience And Delivering A Valuable Session
NSCP speakers will share do’s and don’ts for optimum audience engagement for the various types of NSCP sessions:
Video #1 – Navigating Different Speaking Opportunities
Speaking on Panels for In-person events (how to read your audience and pivot if needed to meet the needs/interests of the attendees)
Speaking on Virtual Panels & Webinars (how to keep a virtual audience tuned in and actively engaged)
Moderating Panels (asking pointed and relevant questions for audience’s benefit in a live setting; fielding questions; balancing time among all panelists)
Facilitating Labs (creating environment for participatory learning and hands-on application through case studies, group discussions and personal application)
Facilitating Talk Groups or Forums (prompting attendees to participate in discussion and share their questions and experiences for mutual learning environment)
Jeff Blumberg, Trish Flynn
Video #2 – Mindful Tips for Speaking
Adult attention span and learning styles (visual, auditory, print, tactile, interactive, kinesthetic)
Speaking with confidence and countering the jitters (eye contact, not reading notes/slides, avoiding saying “um” and “you know”, key points outline, sharing experiences conversation-style)
Budgeting time during session and leaving time for Q&A
Answering live attendee questions
Jim Downing, Maureen Kiefer-Goldenberg
Watch video and then answer these self-application questions:
What nervous speaking habits do you have? How can you counter them based on the tips you learned?
What is your learning style?
What keeps your attention during virtual vs. live sessions and how can you be mindful of these when presenting?
Which types of sessions would you be most interested in speaking on (panels, labs, forums, talk groups)?
What are some ways you can become more comfortable with speaking in the different types of sessions?
Part 4 – Partner Up And Plan To Present A Topic
The participants will choose a topic and go through the process of putting a 10 – 15 minute (high level) presentation together with one other person.
Select one of these speaking topics:
o exam preparation
o exam priorities
o policies & procedures
o testing
NSCP will match participant with a co-speaker unless participant has a co-speaker preference
Once sample presentation is ready, participant should contact NSCP Conference Manager to schedule presentation (holly@nscp.org)
PowerPoint and supplemental resources should be submitted prior to the presentation session part 5.
Part 5 – Present And Receive Feedback
Participants present their topic to two veteran speakers who will provide feedback immediately following the presentation and advise ways to improve session. Speaker evaluations will be completed based on NSCP’s criteria.
Downloadable Documents: