NSCP Compliance Education Scholarship
We have established the NSCP Compliance Education Scholarship in memory of those members who have passed. Their dedication and contributions make up the foundation of the NSCP organization and its continued success.
The NSCP Compliance Education Scholarship is designed to benefit those professionals new to the securities compliance industry by offering educational tools to better enhance their knowledge and skill sets within the compliance industry.
As a recipient of this Scholarship, you are entitled to:
A one-year membership to NSCP
Attendance to the NSCP National Conference (applicable for the year the award is received)
Up to $500 in travel expenses
Up to 3 nights hotel accommodations
To be eligible for the Scholarship:
Candidates must be employed in the securities compliance profession for five (5) years or less.
Eligible individuals who wish to apply for the NSCP Compliance Education Scholarship can apply at any time.
One scholarship will be awarded annually with notification to the recipient in June.
If you have any questions or would like to inquire further about the Scholarship, contact NSCP at info@nscp.org or call us at 860-672-0843
To apply for the NSCP Compliance Education Scholarship, please complete the application below.