NSCP National Conference: 2 Ways to Save: Group Discount or Become-a-Member

Register with 3 or more to get a Group Discount or Save $25 on annual NSCP membership when you register for the conference

This year's NSCP National Conference promises insightful content, practical information, and many networking opportunities. 

We want you to be a part of it! And we also want you to stay a part of it!  Consider becoming a member when you register this year; unlocking access to our professional community where you can continue your networking and collaboration online, all year round. 

Be sure to coordinate your registration plans with your colleagues so that 3 or more can register together to receive the best discount rate of $1,050 per person (not applicable to service providers).

NSCP National Conference
October 16-18, 2023
Omni Dallas Hotel in Dallas, Texas


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