New NSCP Member Benefit: NSCP Currents Live

Join us for the first monthly NSCP Currents Live webinar

“How to Avoid CCO Liability”
January 24th, 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST

NSCP Members: Mark your calendar so you don’t miss this live event!
This webinar will be accessible to NSCP Members only.*

Not an NSCP Member?



Patrick Hayes
Chair, Investment ManagementCalfee, Halter & Griswold LLP

Rosa Licea-Mailloux
CCO MFS Funds and Head ofCompliance Americas
MFS Investment Management

Brian RubinPartner
Co-Head of SecuritiesEnforcement Practices
Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP


* No need to register.  Similar to other NSCP virtual events, access will be provided to NSCP Members via email one day before the event.

NSCP Currents Live webinars offer real-world interpretations of securities regulations and their impact on compliance, practical advice on compliance initiatives, tools and other resources to assist compliance professionals, best practices for implementation, and engaging discussions on all areas of compliance.


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