NSCP MemberVoice is an anonymous and safe avenue for our Members to share their thoughts, stories, and experiences with regulators, and issues in complying with financial services regulatory requirements.
About NSCP MemberVoice
NSCP facilitates the interchange of compliance information for and provides professional resources to U.S. financial services compliance practitioners. One of the ways we accomplish this is through relaying to regulators the struggles our members face in fulfilling their compliance obligations, and in particular, struggles you may face before, during and after an examination (positive, negative or neutral) or in complying with a particular regulation.
Regulators would also like to hear your concerns about proposed or adopted regulations and enforcement actions which pose particular concern for compliance professionals. NSCP would like to know so that we can better serve our members during this interplay. No need to tell us who you are, just what you experienced and/or your concerns and suggestions.
Let Your Voice Be Heard
Welcome! I am here for you to tell me your regulatory experiences, trends, issues and concerns both positive and negative. This is a confidential mechanism for relaying your thoughts and or concerns about regulatory experiences you have had or are going through today. NSCP will summarize and combine others disclosures by stripping out any of your information that might be personal or specific to your situation and provide an ambiguous report to that regulatory body every quarter. You can feel confident that we are providing an outlet for you to voice your experiences without exposing you directly to the regulatory body.
You must be an NSCP Member to use the MemberVoice portal.